Understanding and Dealing with Water Odour

How can odour be controlled in my dam?

Let’s face it, smelly things are never pleasant. A smelly dam can be considered a nuisance for the owners and also for the community as a whole.

Odours can have some very negative consequences as the stench coming from your dam can impact the well-being of those around you, and this is also the most commonly noted reason a smelly dam is reported to authorities. Legal action may be taken against odours detected out side of a property or boundary as it can have an impact on another person’s property value and the health of those who come into contact with it. Don’t freak out just yet though, we have the solution to your pongy woes.

Is the water odour dangerous?

Yes. The most common suspect and health threat is hydrogen sulphide which gives that rotten egg smell. As it is very heavy compared to air, the gas often settles in low enclosed spaces such as man-holes and sewers. Another issue is that even at low concentrations it is highly flammable and extremely toxic making this gas very dangerous. Not only does the gas cause a headache in both the real sense and the emotional sense, at high levels it can also cause fatigue and nausea. If a person suffers from asthma they may have a stronger reaction from exposure to the hydrogen sulphide gas.

Is there a law to manage odour?

Indeed, air is often closely monitored and by law, must meet certain levels.

How is odour measured?

There are a number of techniques for measuring odour and the unit of measurement used is ppm. As the level creeps up to 0.008ppm, side effects can begin to be experienced such as those previously mentioned and at 2ppm, asthmatics will begin to experience bronchial restriction. Between 5-10ppm, side effects including minor metabolic effects may be experienced and when odour reaches 20ppm, memory loss, vertigo and other neurological effects may occur.

How to treat a smelly dam?

DAZZeL Eco Plus is a concentrated formula designed to obliterate strong odours. This product is a 20:1 ultra-concentrated essential oil complex derived from organic plant leaves and herbs. These bind with the odour causing molecules, breaking them down and neutralising them leaving a clean fragrance which extends as far as 800m! Best of all it is non-toxic, acts quickly and is a long-term solution for odour control.