4 Considerations to Reduce the Cost of Your Aerator

There are several things you can do to reduce the cost of an aeration system without buying something that is too small and doesn’t bring sufficient oxygen into the water. We’ve listed a few of the ways below. That said, if cost really is a big barrier for you, it’s worth justt mentioning this when you make and enquiry and we can place the focus on providing you with the most affordable solution based on your dam’s specs.

1. Switch from surface aeration to sub-surface aeration

If you’re looking at a surface aerator (e.g. a fountain) then you’re typically going to need to pay more than a sub-surface aerator because the motors are larger in surface aerators. For instance, if you have a deep dam, you may only require a 1/4hp sub-surface aerator instead of a 1hp surface aerator. The big difference in motor size is because a sub-surface aerator only needs to pump air, whereas a surface aerator needs to pump water, which is a much heavier job requiring much more power. To reduce the cost, switch to a sub-surface aerator when choosing an aerator.

2. Use two smaller aerators rather than one large one

If you have a very large dam that requires a very large aerator (e.g. 3hp or 5hp) and the price is simply too high, there is a good chance you can use two smaller aerators rather than one large aerator. This is likely to reduce the price. You could also use a combination of surface aeration and sub-surface aeration to bring the cost down further. For example, you could use a smaller surface aerator as a feature fountain, while having a lower cost sub-surface aerator as a means of aerating the remainder of the water. Again, it’s best to chat to us about this and we can provide you with the most affordable setup. Simply fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

3. Switch from solar to mains powered

While most customers enquire about solar options, the big increase in price can knock this option on its head. There is good news however. As long as your dam is within 200m of your nearest power outlet, mains power is still an option for you if you choose a Matala or a Vertex sub-surface aerator. We would simply install the aerator in a remote setup similar to this.

4. Use a probiotic treatment rather than an aerator

If all aerators seem out of your price range, you may want to consider improving your water using a probiotic treatment instead. Click the link to learn more about these and how they can help reduce algae, weeds, sludge, and odour, and generally improve the quality of your water. We’re more than happy to discuss this option with you over the phone. Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.